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QMUL web (open access links available here):


  • Audrey T. Lin et al. (2023). The history of Coast Salish “woolly dogs” revealed by ancient genomics and Indigenous Knowledge. Science, 382, p. 1303-1308

  • Fiddaman, S.R. et al. (2023). Ancient chicken remains reveal the origins of virulence in Marek’s disease virus. Science, 382, p. 1276-1281

  • Jamieson, A., Carmagnini, A. et al. (2023). Limited historical admixture between European wildcats and domestic cats, Current Biology, 33(21), p. 4751-4760.e14,

  • Howard-McCombe, J. et al. (2023). Genetic swamping of the critically endangered Scottish wildcat was recent and accelerated by disease, Current Biology, 33(21), p. 4761-4769.e5



  • Bergström, A. et al. (2022). Grey wolf genomic history reveals a dual ancestry of dogs, Nature, 607(7918), pp. 313–320.

  • Peters, J. et al. (2022). The biocultural origins and dispersal of domestic chickens’, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 119(24), p. e2121978119.

  • Plassais, J. et al., (2022). Natural and human-driven selection of a single non-coding body size variant in ancient and modern canids. Current biology, 32( 4),p. 889-897.e9

  • Fiddaman, S.R. et al., (2022). Adaptation and Cryptic Pseudogenization in Penguin Toll-Like Receptors. Molecular biology and evolution, 39(1).

  • Dimopoulos EA, Carmagnini A, et al. (2022). HAYSTAC: A Bayesian framework for robust and rapid species identification in high-throughput sequencing data. PLoS Comput Biol 18(9): e1010493


  • Sinding, M.-H.S. et al., (2021). Kouprey (Bos sauveli) genomes unveil polytomic origin of wild Asian Bos. iScience, (103226), p.103226.​

  • Petrelli, S. et al., 2022. Population genomic, olfactory, dietary, and gut microbiota analyses demonstrate the unique evolutionary trajectory of feral pigs. Molecular ecology, 31(1), pp.220–237.

  • Feuerborn, T.R., Carmagnini, A., et al., (2021). Modern Siberian dog ancestry was shaped by several thousand years of Eurasian-wide trade and human dispersal. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 118(39). 

  • Zeng, L. et al., (2021). Genomes reveal selective sweeps in kiang and donkey for high-altitude adaptation. Zoological research, 42(4), pp.450–460.

  • Sacks, B.N. et al.,(2021). Pleistocene origins, western ghost lineages, and the emerging phylogeographic history of the red wolf and coyote. Molecular ecology. Available at:

  • Perri, A.R. et al., (2021). Dire wolves were the last of an ancient New World canid lineage. Nature, 591(7848), pp.87–91.

  • Perri, A.R. et al. (2021). Dog domestication and the dual dispersal of people and dogs into the Americas. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 118(6). 

  • Ramos-Madrigal, J. et al., (2021). Genomes of Pleistocene Siberian Wolves Uncover Multiple Extinct Wolf Lineages. Current biology, 31(1), pp.198–206.e8.

  • Bogaard, A. et al., (2021). Reconsidering domestication from a process archaeology perspective. World archaeology.

  • Van Marle-Köster, E. et al., (2021). Capitalizing on the potential of South African indigenous beef cattle breeds: A review. Sustainability: Science Practice and Policy, 13(8), p.4388.



  • Bergström, A. et al., 2020. Origins and genetic legacy of prehistoric dogs. Science, 370(6516), pp.557–564.

  • Frantz, L.A.F. et al., 2020. Animal domestication in the era of ancient genomics. Nature reviews. Genetics, 21(8), pp.449–460.

  • Sinding, M.-H.S. et al., 2020. Arctic-adapted dogs emerged at the Pleistocene-Holocene transition. Science, 368(6498), pp.1495–1499.

  • Wang, M.-S. et al., 2020. 863 genomes reveal the origin and domestication of chicken. Cell research. Available at:

  • Allen, R. et al., 2020. A mitochondrial genetic divergence proxy predicts the reproductive compatibility of mammalian hybrids. Proceedings. Biological sciences / The Royal Society, 287(1928), p.20200690.

  • Hu, J.-Y. et al., 2020. Genomic Consequences of Population Decline in Critically Endangered Pangolins and Their Demographic Histories. National Science Review. Available at:

  • Levy, H. et al., 2020. Evidence of Pathogen-Induced Immunogenetic Selection across the Large Geographic Range of a Wild Seabird. Molecular biology and evolution, 37(6), pp.1708–1726.


  • Frantz L. A. F. et al. (2019) Ancient pigs reveal a near complete genomic turnover following their introduction to Europe, PNAS 116(35) 17231-17238.

  • Velso I, Fellows-Yaes J. A., Franziska A, Hagan R., Frantz L. A. F. et al. (2019)  Microbial differences between dental plaque and historic dental calculus are related to oral biofilm maturation stage, Microbiome 7:102.

  • Liu L., Bosse M., Megens H-J., Frantz L. A. F. et al. (2019) Genomic analysis on pygmy hog reveals extensive interbreeding during wild boar expansion, Nature Communications, 10:1992.

  • Ameen, C. et al., 2019. Specialized sledge dogs accompanied Inuit dispersal across the North American Arctic. Proceedings. Biological sciences / The Royal Society, 286(1916), p.20191929.

  • Loog, L. et al., 2019. Ancient DNA suggests modern wolves trace their origin to a Late Pleistocene expansion from Beringia. Molecular ecology, 29(9), pp.1596–1610.

  • Kuang, W.-M. et al., 2019. The Origin and Population History of the Endangered Golden Snub-Nosed Monkey (Rhinopithecus roxellana). Molecular biology and evolution, 36(3), pp.487–499.


  • Ní Leathlobhair M, [44 authors] and Frantz L. A. F. (2018) The Evolutionary History of Dogs in the Americas. Science, 361(6397):81-58.

  • Frantz L.A.F. et al. (2018). Synchronous diversification of Sulawesi’s iconic artiodactyls driven by recent geological events. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 285: 20172566.

  • Irving-Pease E., Frantz L.A.F, Sykes N., Calloux C., Greger L. (2018) Rabbits and the specious origins of domestication. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 33:149–152.

  • Reddy B. C, Michael J Hickerson M. J., Frantz L.A. F., and Lohse K. (2018). ABLE: blockwise site frequency spectra for inferring complex population histories and recombination. Genome biology, 19(1), p.145.

  • Ollivier, M. Tresset A., Frantz L.A.F. et al. (2018). Dogs accompanied humans during the Neolithic expansion into Europe. Biology letters, 14(10).

  • Velsko  I.M., Frantz L.A.F. et al. (2018) Selection of Appropriate Metagenome Taxonomic Classifiers for Ancient Microbiome Research. mSystems, 3(4).

  • Kuang, W.-M.  Ming C., Li H-P., Wu H,  Frantz L.A.F. et al. (2018). The origin and population history of the endangered golden snub-nosed monkey (Rhinopithecus roxellana). Molecular biology and evolution. 36(3):487-499.

  • Frantz L.A.F. and Larson G. (2018). A genetic perspective on the domestication continuum. In: “Hybrid Communities: Biosocial Approaches to Domestication and Other Trans-species Relationships”, edited by Stephanoff C. and Vigne J-D., pp51-56, London: Routledge. 

  • Evan K. Irving-Pease [4 authors] and Frantz L.A.F.  (2018). Palaeogenomics of animal domestication. In: “Palaeogenomics”, edited by Lindqvist C. and Rajora O., pp**-**, New York: Springer.


  • Adeniyi A.C, Olufunke O. O., Bukola O. M., Temilola O. O., Bamidele B., Sunday O. C., Lotanna N. M., Sanke O J., Dawuda P. M., Omitogun O. G., Frantz L.A.F. et al.  (2017) Analysis of the genetic variation in mitochondrial DNA, Y-chromosome sequences, and MC1R sheds light on the ancestry of Nigerian indigenous pigs. Genetics Selection Evolution, 49:52

  • Velsko I. M., Overmyer K., Speller C., Collins M., Loe M., Frantz L.A.F et al. (2017). The dental calculus metabolome in modern and historic samples. Metabolomics 13:134. 

  • Prendergast M. E., Buckley M., Crowther A., Frantz L.A.F. et al. (2017) Reconstructing Asian faunal introductions to eastern Africa from multi-proxy biomolecular and archaeological datasets. PLoS One, 12(8):e0182565.


  • Frantz L.A.F. et al. (2016). Genomic and archeological evidence suggest a dual origin of domestic dogs. Science, 352(6290):1228-31.

  • Frantz L.A.F., Meijaard E., Gongorra J., Groenen M.A.M and Larson G. (2016). The Evolution of Suidae. Annual Review of Animal Biosciences, 4:61-85.

  • Linderholm A., Spencer D., Battista V., Frantz, L.A.F. et al. (2016) A novel MC1R allele for black coat colour reveals the Polynesian ancestry and hybridization patterns of Hawaiian feral pigs. Royal Society Open Science 3(9):160304.


  • Frantz L.A.F., Schraiber J.G., Madsen O., Megens HJ., Bosse M., Cagan A., Paudel Y., Crooijmans P.M.A and Groenen M.A.M. (2015) Evidence of long-term gene flow and selection during domestication from analyses of Eurasian wild and domestic pig genomes. Nature Genetics, 47(10):1141:48.

  • Frantz L.A.F., Madsen O., Megens HJ., Bosse M., Schraiber J.G., Paudel Y., Crooijmans P.M.A and Groenen M.A.M. (2015) The evolution of Tibetan wild boars. Nature Genetics, 47(3):188-189.

  • Bosse M., Lopes M, Madsen O., Megens H-J., Crooijmans RPMA, Frantz L.A.F, Harlizius B., Bastiaansen JWM, Groenen M.A.M (2015). Artificial selection on introduced Asian haplotypes shaped the genetic architecture in European commercial pigs. Proc. R. Soc. B 182(1821):2015-19.

  • Bunnefeld L., Frantz L.A.F. and Lohse K. (2015). Inferring bottlenecks from genome-wide samples of short sequence blocks. Genetics, 201(3):1157:1169.

  • Paudel Y., Madsen O., Megens H.J., Frantz L.A.F., Bosse M., Crooijmans R.P.M.A and Groenen M.A.M. (2015) Copy number variation in the speciation of pigs: a possible prominent role for olfactory receptors. BMC Genomics, 16:330.

  • Bosse M., Madsen O., Megens H-J., Frantz L.A.F. et al. (2015) Hybrid origin of European commercial pigs examined by an in-depth haplotype analysis on chromosome 1. Frontier in Genetics 5:442


  • Frantz L.A.F., Megens H-J., Madsen O., Groenen M.A.M. and Lohse K. (2014) Testing models of speciation from genome sequences: divergence and asymmetric admixture in Island Southeast Asian Sus species during the Plio-Pleistocene climatic fluctuations. Molecular Ecology, 23(22):5566-5574.

  • Bosse M., Megens HJ., Frantz L.A.F., Madsen O., Larson G., Paudel Y., Duijvesteijn N., Harlizius B., Hagemeijer Y., Crooijmans R.P.M.A and Groenen M.A.M. (2014) Genomic analysis reveals selection for Asian genes in European pigs following human-mediated introgression. Nature Communications, 5:4392.

  • Bosse M., Megens H-J., Madsen O, Frantz L.A.F., Paudel Y., Crooijmans R.P.M.A and Groenen M.A.M. (2014) Untangling the hybrid nature of modern pig genomes: a mosaic derived from biogeographically distinct and highly divergent Sus scrofa populations. Molecular Ecology 23(16):4089-4102.

  • Lohse K. and Frantz L.A.F. (2014) Neandertal Admixture in Eurasia Confirmed by Maximum-Likelihood Analysis of Three Genomes. Genetics 196(4):1241-1251.

  • Zytynska S. E, Frantz L.A.F., Hurst B, Johnson A, Preziosi R.F. and Rowntree, J.K. (2014). Host-plant genotypic diversity and community genetic interactions mediate aphid spatial distribution. Ecology and evolution, 4(2):121-131.

  • Rowntree, J.K., Zytynska, S.E.; Frantz, L.A.F., Hurst B., Johnson A. and Preziosi R.F. (2014). The genetics of indirect ecological effects - plant parasites and aphid herbivores. Frontiers in genetics 5.


  • Paudel Y., Megens H.J., Madsen O., Frantz L.A.F., Bosse M., Bastiaansen J.W.M., Crooijmans R.P.M.A and Groenen M.A.M. (2013) Evolutionary dynamic of copy number variation in pig genomes in the context of adaptation and domestication. BMC Genomics 14:449.

  • Frantz L.A.F., Schraiber J., Madsen O., Megens H-J., Bosse M., Yogesh P., Semiadi G., Meijaard E., Li N., Crooijmans R.P.M.A, Archibald A.L., Slatkin M., Schook L.B. Larson G. and Groenen M.A.M. (2013) Genome sequencing reveals fine scale diversification and reticulation history in Sus. Genome Biology 14(9):R107.

  • Ottoni C., Flink L.G., Evin A., Geörg C., Cupere B., Neer W., Bartosiewicz L., Linderholm A.,Barnett R., Peters J., Decorte R., Waelkens M., Vanderheyden N, Ricaut F., Çakırlar C., Çevik O, Hoelzel R., Mashkour M., Karimlu A.F.M., Seno S.S., Daujat J., Brock F., Pinhasi P, Hongo H., Perez-Enciso M., Rasmussen M., Frantz L.A.F., et al. (2012) Pig domestication and human-mediated dispersal in western Eurasia revealed through ancient DNA and geometric morphometrics. Molecular Biology and Evolution 30(4):824-832.

  • Bosse M., Megens H.J., Madsen O., Paudel Y., Frantz L.A.F., Schook L.B., Crooijmans R.P.M.A and Groenen M.A.M. (2012) Regions of Homozygosity in the Porcine genome: interactions between demography and the recombination landscape. PLoS Genetics 8(11):e1003100.

  • Groenen M.A.M., Archibald A.L., Uenishi H., Tuggle C.K., Takeuchi Y., Rothschild M.F.,Rogel-Gaillard C., Park C., Milan D., Megens H.J., Li S., Larkin D.M., Kim H., Frantz L.A.F. et al. (2012) Analyses of pig genomes provide insight into porcine demography and evolution. Nature 491(7424):393-398.

  • Tortereau F., Servin B., Frantz L.A.F. et al. (2012) A high density recombination map of the pig reveals a correlation between sex-specific recombination and GC content. BMC Genomics 13:586. 

Photo by Del Baston
Courtesy of the  Center for American Archeology 
© 2020 Animal Palaeogenomics group
Prof. Dr. Laurent Frantz -

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